LGBTQ+ and Systemic Racism
The LGBTQ+ community is no stranger to discrimination, harassment, violence and even death due to who we are. For those of us who are white we often have had, and used the luxury of passing to mitigate our vulnerability. Most of our brothers, sisters, intersex and non-binary community members of color do not share this privilege and they continue to be unjustly targeted by systemic racism. LGBT Senior Housing and Care stands with the Black and Brown communities in this time of grief.
Covid-19 Pandemic’s Effects on LGBTQ+ older adults and caregivers
In addition to the current upheaval across the country that systemic racism has fostered, the Covid-19 pandemic has ravaged our minority and senior communities. Our long-term care providers have been on the front line fighting for the lives of older adults and their care givers often in understaffed facilities, with underfunded mandates, and a lack of resources. The scrutiny towards providers at this time of crisis has been an untenable side effect that has increased their levels of stress. Caregivers are isolated from their loved ones and surrounded by the illness and deaths of people they care for. Older adults are isolated from their families and friends, an experience that LGBTQ+ older adults are already more likely to feel than their heteronormative peers. Covid -19 has enhanced those feelings of isolation and has increased post-traumatic stress symptoms reminiscent of the AIDS epidemic. LGBT Senior Housing and Care supports our long term care providers and our older adults in this time of crisis.
How to take action and make a difference
We have been asked what one can do to help, to affect change, to provide support to our oppressed, repressed and discriminated communities, and to provide succor to our elders. Remember to VOTE! All politics is local. At every level we vote to affect our life experience in our home, community, country, and world. While we are inundated with information about the Presidential and Senate elections, make sure that you vote in your local and state elections. Police Chiefs set the tone for community policing and are hired by Mayors, and approved by local committees/councils, just as a President’s hires require approval by the US Senate. County Executives hire the County Sheriff approved by the members of the County Committee. School board members hire Superintendents of schools who determine what our children will learn about our history and the world which will shape our next generation of leaders.
Other ways to help;
March (safely please, with social distancing and masks)
Donate to the cause (we like the list from
Connect with older adults in your neighborhood, and check in to see if they need anything. Volunteer to video chat with an older adult in Long-term care.
Call your local Department on Aging and LGBTQ+ advocacy groups for resources of where your help is needed.
LGBTQ+ PRIDE month 2020
During PRIDE month 2020, the LGBT Senior Housing and Care team recognizes our community’s progress and our battles yet to come, including LGBTQ+ Older Adult and Long-term Care Rights legislation implemented across the country. We celebrate quietly this year, while we wait to gather with you all again.
LGBT Senior Housing and Care Affirming and Welcoming training
As in-person older adult LGBTQ+ affirming and welcoming training is not permitted at this time, custom webinars and video trainings can be provided to your business and/or organization. We are working on posting all of our training modules, including our LGBT Senior Housing and Care Staff Onboarding program for long-term and home care providers, onto a teaching platform due to launch September 2020. For more information email us at
Stay safe, stay strong, and VOTE. Happy PRIDE!
The LGBT Senior Housing and Care team
